2011 FILMS

What I Want Michelle Mixay

Preparation of a Generation Alexander Powell

Sitz to Stage Marygian Rebullar

Connecting the Dots Marissa Dodds

Full Out Camille Wilson

I Am An Asiacan Jesus Olvera

KENnY Asha Zephira Maren

Love Life, Live Your Dream Tony Anglin Jr.

Doors Jose Romero

Unplugged: A 14 Day Challenge Kaylor Myers



What I Want (Michelle Mixay) – Canadian National Capital Commission’s Winterlude Festival, February, 16, 2013; Seoul International Youth Film Festival, August 23-29, 2012; Los Angeles Film Festival, June 18, 2012; iVIE Awards, June 7, 2012 (Best High School Non-Fiction, Nominated); MYX TV’s House of Film (Independent Film Showcase) for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May – June 2012; Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, May 12, 2012

Preparation of a Generation (Alexander Powell) – iVIE Awards, June 7, 2012 (Best High School Non-Fiction, Nominated)

Sitz to Stage (Marygian Rebullar) – Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, May 12, 2012

Connecting the Dots (Marissa Dodds) – Los Angeles Film Festival, June 18, 2012

Full Out (Camille Wilson) – Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, May 12, 2012

I Am An Asiacan (Jesus Olvera) – Asian American International Film Festival, August 4, 2012; Los Angeles Film Festival, June 18, 2012; iVIE Awards, June 7, 2012 (Best High School Non-Fiction, Nominated); MYX TV’s House of Film (Independent Film Showcase) for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May-June 2012; Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, May 12, 2012; National Film Festival of Talented Youth, April 28, 2012

KENnY (Asha Zephira Maren) – MYX TV’s House of Film (Independent Film Showcase) for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May-June 2012

Love Life, Live Your Dream (Tony Anglin Jr.) – Asian American International Film Festival, August 4, 2012; MYX TV’s House of Film (Independent Film Showcase) for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May-June 2012; National Film Festival of Talented Youth, April 28, 2012

Doors (Jose Romero) – MYX TV’s House of Film (Independent Film Showcase) for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May-June 2012

Unplugged: A 14 Day Challenge (Kaylor Myers) – iVIE Awards, June 7, 2012 (Best High School Non-Fiction, Nominated); Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, May 12, 2012; Los Angeles Film Festival, June 18, 2012